Frozen Shoulder Treatment
Given scientists and research still cannot confidently pinpoint the reasons why people develop frozen shoulders, the research behind treatment for frozen shoulders also remains inconclusive.
What we do know, is that assessing it early, and helping to regain mobility soon, is a positive factor for successful Frozen Shoulder Treatment.
Should you just let time heal it? Get Physiotherapy treatment? Or do you need interventional treatment from an Orthopaedic Doctor like injections or Surgery ?
Read on to find out!
Will Frozen Shoulder get better on its own?
Now you’ve self diagnosed yourself, or, responsibly, gotten a diagnosis from a health professional like an orthopaedic doctor or a Physiotherapist.
Will Frozen shoulder heal itself? Short answer is YES (for most people).
Long story short, most people will regain 85% of their movement back in an average of 15 months. (Studies will quote between 1-2 years).
Will getting Physiotherapy treatment fast track my recovery?
15 Months is a long time. Especially if you have a physically demanding job, or play sports that require a lot of upper limb work.
Not to mention that Frozen Shoulder can be extremely painful in some. Most people will go through 2 phases before finally ‘thawing’ out and gaining recovery.
1st Phase : Pain > Stiffness
2nd Phase : Stiffness > Pain
Physiotherapy treatment is commonly used by many clients with Frozen Shoulder with a goal to expedite their recovery, and minimise their discomfort. Additionally, we will tailor a rehabilitation exercise program for you, to ensure that we preserve as much muscle function as we can, with the mobility that you have.
Physiotherapy Treatment for Frozen shoulder
Here’s a quick overview of some common Physiotherapy Treatment techniques we commonly use to help people with Frozen Shoulders.
Shoulder Joint Mobilisations - Given the limitations in shoulder mobility is primarily due to joint ‘stiffness’, direct joint mobilisations help to improve shoulder mobility and reduce pain.
Soft Tissue Techniques - during the painful phase of Frozen Shoulder, a common symptom we see clinically is very tight and tender muscles. Soft Tissue Techniques (massage) help to reduce the tightness and pain from your muscles. This can help to improve mobility as well.
Dry needling - this has been particularly helpful for many clients, especially when they're in the ‘painful > stiffness’ phase of Frozen Shoulder. In our experience, it is well tolerated in most, and effective in reducing pain.
Exercise Prescription - Individual exercise prescription is paramount in making sure each person is set up with exercises suited for them. The goal of exercises is so maximise mobility and maintain strength.
Education - sharing what we know with our clients, and to reassure them of the normal process of a Frozen Shoulder is extremely important, as it makes you an active part of the recovery plan. Knowing about your injury, also tends to help minimise levels of anxiety and fear around the recovery process from having a Frozen Shoulder.
Will I need Injection or Surgery for my Frozen Shoulder?
Most people will recover from their Frozen Shoulder conservatively - meaning without the need of anything interventional like an injection or surgery by an Orthopaedic Doctor.
HOWEVER, in more severe cases, where the client is NOT making progress as we’d expect, within the timeframe, we would collaborate with Orthopaedic Doctors specialising in shoulder injuries on how best to escalate their care. This may be in the form of Injections or, as a last resort, surgery.
Injections for Frozen Shoulder Treatment
Injections for Frozen Shoulders are generally called Hydrodilatations, where a fluid mixture of anaesthetic and saline solution is injected directly into your shoulder joint, with a goal of distending (expanding) your shoulder joint. Other injections are regular corticosteroid injections or your shoulder, which may help to reduce your pain.
Tip: If you are planning on getting an injection, please make sure that your practitioner is performing the procedure under Ultrasound or CT Guidance. this ensures the highest level of accuracy when injecting your shoulder.
CT guided Hydrodilatation Injection for Frozen Shoulder Treatment.
Surgery for Frozen Shoulder
Surgery, as a last resort, will likely be some sort of a Capsular Release, where they will cut the scarred tissue in your shoulder in an attempt to free up your shoulder joint mobility.
A Manipulation under Anaesthetic (MUA) is a less common procedure, as it has the potential to damage other sensitive structures in your shoulder. This procedure will place you under anaesthesia, and the Orthopaedic Surgeon will manipulate your shoulder with a goal to increase your flexibility.
It’s best to ensure that your Physiotherapist and Orthopaedic Doctor have good communication channels. That way, everyone is on the same page when it comes to your health.
At Physiologic, our Physiotherapist has an excellent relationship with an Orthopaedic Doctor, specialising in Shoulder Injuries. This ensures smooth escalation of care whenever needed, and most importantly, a holistic and collaborative approach to your health. Contact Us here if you have any queries about your injury!
Starting Treatment for my Frozen Shoulder
As with most injuries, we’d always recommend getting your shoulder assessed and treated by a health professional, experienced at managing shoulder injuries. There are many conditions that could present like a frozen shoulder, so we want to make sure that you’re not wasting your time, and on the right path to recovery.
At Physiologic, we’ve helped countless clients get through their journey with Frozen Shoulders, minimising their pain, and helping them regain their mobility as soon as possible.
Our manual therapy techniques and dry needling help to reduce pain in frozen shoulders and maximise mobility recovery. Structured rehabilitation programs also ensure that you are set up with specific exercises to help expedite your recovery!
Below are some examples of what to expect when having a physiotherapy session with us.
1: Shoulder Joint Mobilisation
2: Dry Needling for tight Shoulder Muscles
3: Specific Rehabilitation Exercise Prescription
How can Physiologic help?
At Physiologic, we’ve helped countless clients get through their journey with Frozen Shoulders, minimising their pain, and helping them regain their mobility as soon as possible. Our physiotherapist has undergone specialty courses in the treatment of shoulder issues, including Frozen Shoulders, with Dr Jeremy Lewis, a world leader in the management of shoulder injuries.
Contact us here to schedule a physiotherapy consultation, where we’ll diagnose your shoulder injury, and guide you towards a full recovery.
About the Author
Ryan Tan is our Clinical Director and Physiotherapist here at Physiologic Hong Kong. He’s had over 10 years of experience as a sports and musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. During that time, he has been upskilling his expertise in shoulder injury management with industry specialists like Dr Jeremy Lewis. Ryan now works closely with Orthopaedic Shoulder Specialists to provide collaborative care and expert Physiotherapy treatment to those suffering from shoulder injuries. If you have a complex shoulder injury that hasn’t been able to be resolved, contact us for a no obligation assessment!